Frequently Asked Questions

If I am on pain medicine or seeing a pain management specialist, am I likely to become addicted to opiates?

ANSWER –The research states that between 3.27% - 11.5% of persons who are treated for pain develop addiction to opiates. Those patients who take opiates for pain do not experience euphoria like those individuals who are addicted to the opiates.
(“Prescription Opioid Abuse, Pain and Addiction: Clinical Issues and Implications.” Ling w, Mooney L, Hillhouse M. Drug Alcohol Review. 2011 May; 30(3): 300-305.

2. Can Buprenorphine be used to treat chronic pain?

ANSWER – Yes, buprenorphine provides pain relief without respiratory depression and is especially good for the elderly where there is less cognitive decline or increased falls. (“Treating Chronic Pain with Buprenorphine-The Practical Guide”. Case AA et al. Curr Treat Options, Oncol. 2021 Nov 18; 22(12): 116.

3. If I have a parent who is alcoholic will I become alcoholic?

ANSWER – Persons who have an alcoholic parent are four (4) time more likely to develop alcoholism. Alcoholism is between 40%-50% genetic, however, environmental factors such as upbringing, amount of alcohol consumed or when a person started using alcohol all may play a role. Despite this high rate of genetic transmission no one can predict if or when someone would develop alcoholism. “Prospective Studies of Children of Alcoholic Parents.” Reich Wendy. Alc Health Res world. 1997; 21(3): 255-258.

4. When should adults get a colonoscopy?

ANSWER – The age for a colonoscopy for a person with average risk of colon cancer should get a colonoscopy is between ages 45-75. This true for both men and women. A person with a substantial risk for colon cancer [family member with or died from colon cancer] should begin colonoscopies at age 40 or 10 years earlier than the earliest case of colon cancer in their family. Therefore, if for example your mother died of colon cancer at 53, you would begin colonoscopies at either age 40 or 43.

5. Can herbs treat depression?

ANSWER - Yes- mild to moderate depression is treated with St. John’s Wort. Lavender oils are used to treat depression. [it is recommended that a person work with a medical professional to design a program for treatment with herbs in the treatment of depression]. Depression affects three hundred million persons worldwide, so there are 300 million persons worldwide experiencing one or more of the following symptoms: sadness, feelings of guilt, low self-esteem, loss of interest or pleasure, low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, feelings of tiredness and poor concentration. “Medicinal Plants Used for Anxiety, Depression or Stress Treatment: An Update.” Kenda M et al. Molecules. 2022 Sep 27; (18): 6021.

6. Are there Treatments for alcoholism approved by the Food and Drug Administration?

ANSWER – Yes. Acamprosate, Disulfiram and Naltrexone.

7. If I have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) does that mean I have a low IQ?

ANSWER – No. There is no clear link between ADHD and IQ.

8. If I take methadone now, will I have to take it for the rest of my life?

ANSWER – Each individual is different, however, factors such as the age you began treatment with methadone, route of taking opiates can affect how long you must take methadone. Persons can take methadone between one to two and 20 years. There are exceptions with respect to how long they would be on the methadone.

9. What is the difference between a delusion and a hallucination?

ANSWER – a delusion is a belief held with conviction even though it is not true. For example, a person believes she has been poisoned by her uncle, but there is no evidence this happened. A hallucination is a sensory experience that may involve seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, or feeling something that isn’t true. For example, a person hears voices that no one else can hear.

10. Do I have to be diabetic to be treated for weight loss with Wegovy?

ANSWER – Wegovy is approved for weight loss by the FDA. Ozempic is not approved for weight loss unless you are diabetic. They both have the same active ingredient, but Wegovy has a higher dose of the active ingredient than Ozempic.

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